Leaving Colombia

Latin America Special Issue



Words by

Honor Forbes, age 11

Pictures by

Alena Zhu, age 13

Translation by

Carlos H. Moreno

Narration by

Dimitris Potusa

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Goodbye strong spices, lavish food, unique fruits —
granadilla, guanabana, guava, lulo, pitahaya.

Goodbye warm weather
and the smell of rich, intense coffee beans.

I’m going to miss you.

I gather my bags.
I am ready to be on my way.

The sun sinks behind the tall, proud mandarin trees.
I gaze through the stained-glass window.

I listen to the azulejos and multicoloured tanagers
composing songs to their hearts’ content.

A soft humming comes from the car engine.
I am being torn away from my homeland.