Worlds Apart

Latin America Special Issue



Words by

Mica de la Rosa, age 8

Pictures by

Jeomille Querubbin Cariquez Macarubbo, age 12

Translation by

Patricia Fierro Carrión

Narration by

Sophia Márquez

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It feels like we are in completely different worlds. In one world, my parents speak Spanish. In the other, we speak English.

When my parents talk and I hear something interesting, like plans about what they’re going to do when I’m at school, I like to listen in. But when it’s not interesting, I just do my own thing.

Sometimes my friends are interested in my language. They would like me to teach them a little bit of Spanish. So I teach them words like ¿cómo estás?, hola and luna.

My mum says that when I grow up I’ll be more interested in learning how to speak Spanish, but I’m not so sure. I’m not sure what it will be like.